It's not just policies and industries that need to be more climate-friendly, each individual has an impact on his or her environment. Choices that we make in our day-to-day lives can affect the climate.
Things you can do today at no cost:
- Turn off lights when you leave a room
- Only boil the amount of water you need in your kettle
- Turn off televisions, videos, stereos and computers when they are not in use - they can use between 10 and 60% of the power they use when on
- Close curtains at dusk to keep in heat
- Let your clothes dry naturally rather than using a tumble drier
- Turning down the thermostat for your heating by 1 degree could cut
your heating bill by 10%
- Use economy programmes on dishwashers or washing machines
Things you can do in the future or with an initial cost:
- Use energy saving lightbulbs - they use a quarter of the electricity
and last much longer
- Insulate your hot water tank and pipes
- Fit seals to externals doors, skirting boards and floor boards to
reduce heat loss - 15% of heat is lost through draughts and 15% through
the floor
- Make your windows draught proof or fit double glazing - this cuts
heat loss in half - up to 10% of heat is lost through uninsulated windows
- Fit loft insulation - which should be at least 200mm thick to be most
effective - 25% of heat is lost through an uninsulated roof
- Fit wall insulation - up to 33% of heat is lost through uninsulated