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24 September 2014
Only Fools and Horses

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Series Six
Delboy and Trigger Yuppy Love

Transmitted: 8.1.1989
Duration: 50 minutes
Viewing Figures: 13.9 million

Del has just seen the film Wall Street and decided the upwardly-mobile lifestyle is for him. The camel-hair coat is out, and in comes a smart new image. Green mackintosh, mobile phone, aluminium briefcase, but the yellow van remains.

Del even wants to buy the flat off the council and sell it for a fast buck.

Rodney, meanwhile, has decided to complete a computing diploma course at the Adult Education Centre. It's there that he meets a beautiful posh sort called Cassandra, who learns his name from the tag Del stitched into his raincoat (for a giggle).

Del and Trig ditch The Nags Head in favour of propping up a wine bar. The rest is comedy gold. Rodney and the boys head to a club, where Rodders amazes the others by dancing with Cassandra.

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One of the most popular OFAH scenes and arguably one of the best gags in British comedy history!

Did You Know?
Three Degrees-Of-Separation: Michael Douglas played corrupt stock-trader Gordon Gecko who said the line 'Greed is good' in the film Wall Street, the film worshipped by Del in this episode. David Jason then co-starred with Catherine Zeta Jones in The Darling Buds of May, the actress who then went on to marry Michael Douglas and promptly filed for damages over unauthorised wedding pictures.
Famous quote
[Having fallen behind the bar, Del staggers to his feet and rejoins Trigger]
Let's get out of here Trig, you're cramping my style, you're cramping my style!

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Series Six Episodes
Yuppy Love
Danger UXD
Chain Gang
The Unlucky Winner Is...
Sickness And Wealth
Little Problems

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