Duration: 50 minutes
Viewing Figures: 13.9 million
has just seen the film Wall Street and decided the upwardly-mobile
lifestyle is for him. The camel-hair coat is out, and
in comes a smart new image. Green mackintosh, mobile
phone, aluminium briefcase, but the yellow van remains.
even wants to buy the flat off the council and sell
it for a fast buck.
meanwhile, has decided to complete a computing diploma
course at the Adult Education Centre. It's there that
he meets a beautiful posh sort called Cassandra,
who learns his name from the tag Del stitched into his
raincoat (for a giggle).
and Trig
ditch The
Nags Head in favour of propping up a wine bar. The
rest is comedy gold. Rodney and the boys head to a club,
where Rodders amazes the others by dancing with Cassandra.
a video clip 禄 禄
One of the most popular OFAH scenes and arguably one
of the best gags in British comedy history!
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Degrees-Of-Separation: Michael Douglas played
corrupt stock-trader Gordon Gecko who said the
line 'Greed is good' in the film Wall Street,
the film worshipped by Del in this episode. David
Jason then co-starred with Catherine Zeta Jones
in The Darling Buds of May, the actress who then
went on to marry Michael Douglas and promptly
filed for damages over unauthorised wedding pictures.
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[Having fallen behind the bar, Del staggers to
his feet and rejoins Trigger]
Del: Let's get out of here Trig, you're cramping
my style, you're cramping my style!
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