
The Small Indie Fund

Our £1million fund to back talented small independent production companies

About the fund

The Small Indie Fund ring-fences £1million a year to back talented small independent production companies with turnovers of less than £10million, with a special focus on diverse-led companies and those based in the Nations and English regions.

The fund is available to companies working across factual, entertainment, comedy, children’s, drama, daytime and film. Support is granted on a company by company basis – and we will consider a number of factors including the strength of the company’s creative potential and current commissioning opportunities. Successful indies receive investment to help them develop and ´óÏó´«Ã½ mentors. This year we’re offering an increased level of financial investment targeted at a smaller number of companies, alongside both business and commissioning mentors to help them focus on growing their companies and maximising the value of their content.

In 2023/24 the 57 small companies on the fund included 44 with at least two individuals from underrepresented groups in leadership roles and 38 based outside of London. Read the press release for a full list of the 2024 companies.

In 2022/23 the fund supported 48 small companies. Over half of these had diverse leadership and 79% were based in the Nations and English regions, with a significant increase in support for companies based in the North East and Midlands. So far commissions from this cohort include Dreaming Whilst Black from Big Deal Films, 24/7 Pet Hospital from Twenty Six 03 North East and  (w/t) from The Slate Works. Find a full list of the companies supported on the press release.

In 2021/22 the fund supported 50 companies. Three quarters of the indies were based in the Nations and English regions and half had diverse leadership. Commissions from this cohort include: Clive Myrie's Italian Road Trip from Derry-based indie Alleycats for daytime and early peak, a script commission for ´óÏó´«Ã½ drama from Brock Media focused on developing female East Asian talent, and North Wales based Darlun TV made the six-part ´óÏó´«Ã½ Two factual series Reunion Hotel.

In 2020 the fund was doubled to £2million in response to the impact of Covid-19, supporting 96 companies. Commissions from the cohort included The Fast and the Farmer-ish from Alleycats, Tan France: Beauty and the Bleach from Cardiff Productions, from Duck Soup, Murder Trial from Firecrest, PRU from Fully Focused, The Pact from Little Door and Made Up in Belfast and B&B By the Sea from Afro-mic.

Applying to the fund

Access to the fund is managed via an annual application process and last closed for submissions on 31 December 2024.

Producers are encouraged to speak to their usual commissioning and business contacts for further information about the fund.

Further advice and support

Contacts and support packages to help your company How we support indies

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