The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth.
A small shrine to the nerdiest supervillans on TV. This week:
Andrew attempts to break into Sunnydale's museum in the hi-tech manner of Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible. Instead of all the wires and headsets, couldn't he have just walked in like Warren and Jonathan?
The nerds' freeze ray is a popular supervillain device, famously used by Batman's Mr Freeze.
The troika have a mint condition 1979 Boba Fett action figure, from the highly collectible Star Wars action figure range. Shame it wasn't still in its original packaging.
According to our Star Wars expert Dave, probably the rarest action figure relating to the film is Yak Face.
Andrew claims to have seen every episode of Doctor Who, but not Red Dwarf, as it isn't out on DVD. However, over 100 episodes of Doctor Who have been missing from the 大象传媒 archives since before he was born.
If you do have another source Andrew, can you send us some tapes please? By the way, Red Dwarf has just started to come out on DVD.
Spike and Xander get geeky this week. The former refers to Warren as Spock and talks about holodecks, whilst the latter mistakes a creature in a Dungeons and Dragons book for a real monster.
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De-ratted: Fans of Elizabeth Anne Allen can finally rejoice - Amy has been de-ratted after three years spinning on her habitrail thanks to Willow and a fancy Italian spell.
According to writer Drew Greenberg, talking Italian wasn't Alyson Hannigan's favourite experience:
"The only issue [with the script] that Alyson may have had, was the Italian spell that she had to do at the beginning," Drew told us. She was unhappy with me for forcing her to speak lines and lines and paragraphs of a language of which she wasn't completely familiar.
Check out our interview with Drew for more revelations.
Murder, She Wrote: "Way to go with the keen observedness, Jessica Fletcher," notes Buffy. Jessica Fletcher, played by Angela Lansbury, was the star of TV drama Murder, She Wrote.
The show featured mystery writer Fletcher, who had a knack for attracting murder wherever she went. The series has been running in America since 1984.
CIA: Jonathan notes that the geeks aren't breaking into Langley, as they attempt to steal the diamond from the museum. Langley, Virginia, is the headquarters of the CIA.
The diamond they're trying to steal is on loan from the British Museum, where Giles worked before becoming Buffy's Watcher.
No Cheese: When hungry, Amy asks for cookies - as long as they aren't cheese ones. In real life, Elizabeth Anne Allen is allergic to dairy products.
Bronze Bands: When Willow and Amy visit the Bronze, the band Virgil are performing the track Vermillion Borders. Later, when Willow grows bored of the music, she transforms them into another group, Halo Friendlies.