Episode Guide
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The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth.
A small shrine to the nerdiest supervillans on TV. This week:
Geek wars: During their weekly bitching session, Jonathan and Andrew make reference to Jawa burgers, Darth, Midichlorians and a galaxy far, far away - all references to George Lucas's Star Wars saga.
Up, up and away: Andrew mentions that ex Luthor had a false epidermis escape kit in the Superman Versus the Amazing Spider-Man Treasury edition comic book. He also compares Willow to X-Men character Dark Phoenix - the insanely powerful reincarnation of Jean Grey.
Writer Doug Petrie is a huge comics fan, having written several Buffy comics and worked on the screenplay for the upcoming Fantastic Four feature film. He even dabbles as an illustrator too.
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Previously on Buffy: Being the final episode of the season (it was show as a double bill with Grave in America) the opening recap is much longer than normal. As Xander announces at the start, "This is what happened this year..."
Willowsaurus: To herald the arrival of Dark Willow at the police station, the camera pans in to a cup of coffee which ripples in time with the thunder and lightening. It's an homage to Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park, where a cup of water wobbles to the footsteps of an approaching T-Rex.
Big Bad skin: Dark Willow seems to have developed an unsightly varicose vein problem on her face. There's probably a magic cream for it.
Awesome: How cool is the final shot of Giles? It almost makes up for the duller moments of the season. (Okay, maybe not the ones with Riley.) We loved the truck-driving Momma scene too, even if the roadside kept changing between shots.
Beam me up Anya: Now that she's got her Vengeance Demon skills back, Anya can conveniently teleport everywhere. Bet that's a handy plot device which will be so cancelled next season.
Seeking nirvana: "Here we are now, entertain us," says Spike as he's abut to go into combat. It's a quote from uber-teen angst track Smells Like Teen Spirit, by grunge kings Nirvana.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the UK on 大象传媒 2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer copyright Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.
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