Episode Guide
The Yoko Factor
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Stephen: "What we've been waiting for"
This what we’ve been waiting for. No, not the culmination of the Initiative plot. Riley vs Angel: mano a vampo. The five star celebrity un-death match.
For all his simpering and conceding to the girlfriend, Riley more than matches Angel. The fight itself is spectacularly choreographed, and the script rises to the challenge too. Buffy chastising her two beau’s like schoolboys is a classic season four scene. It’s all great fun.
While it lasts. Angel’s return should have run through the entire episode, not just act one. Buffy’s two beau’s finally locking horns was infinitely more involving than Adam’s antics.
James: "Cunning"
A very cunning and different episode from Doug Petrie. Yes, Adam may still be a bit pants as a villain, but it's great seeing him and Spike plan to destroy Buffy by making her friends fight.
Suddenly, all the little quirks of this season - Xander's jobs, Giles's drinking, Tara and Willow - all come together in a big, messy splat of a squabble. Magnificent stuff.
It's also really great seeing Angel back in Buffy - even if it is just to see him pummelling and smirking at Riley.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the UK on 大象传媒 2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer copyright Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.
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