
Maes D (The Welsh learners' tent)

Arwydd Maes D

Ydych chi'n dysgu Cymraeg? Dyma beth i'w ddisgwyl ar Faes yr Eisteddfod.

Learning Welsh? Here's what's on offer on the Eisteddfod Maes.

Maes D

Maes D is the Welsh learners' area on the Eisteddfod Maes. It lets learners meet and socialise, compete, share experiences, gather information, and, most importantly, have fun.

There are five parts to Maes D:

  1. Y llwyfan (the stage)
    A whole host of activities, performances, competitions and taster courses are held throughout the week. Wales Today presenter Sian Lloyd will officially open Maes D this year at 11am on Saturday 30 July. Amongst the activities this year are language taster sessions, talks with author Bethan Gwanas and Gareth Miles, Tai Chi and Kung Fu and Heather Jones performing. You can also watch the main ceremonies from Maes D at 4:30pm on Monday (Crowning), Wednesday (Literary Medal) and Friday (Chairing).
  2. Y caffi (the cafe)
    A chance for learners and Welsh speakers to enjoy a coffee and a chat and also to win prizes by competing in the Competition of the day. Most of the volunteers in the caf茅 are Welsh learners.
  3. Y cyfrifiaduron (the computers)
    Giving learners an overview of available websites that can help them on their way to learning Welsh.
  4. Y siop lyfrau (the book shop)
    A chance to stock up on Welsh books, CDs, games and cards.
  5. Yr ardal arddangos (the exhibition area) A variety of stands, including Welsh for Adults, which have lots of useful information about how to get started with learning Welsh. Other stands in 2010 included Acen, Say Something in Welsh, Merched Y Wawr, Golwg and Big Pit.

Daily activities (Gweithgareddau dyddiol)

Stage competitions and adjudications

The singing and recitation competitions for Welsh learners are held on the Maes D stage on Thursday and Friday.

The results of the written competitions are announced in a ceremony in Maes D.

Cystadleuaeth Dysgwr y Flwyddyn / Welsh Learner of the Year Competition

The Welsh Learner of the Year competition is open to any adult who has learned Welsh. The finalists are chosen by a panel of judges and during the Eisteddfod week, they take part in a question and answer session at Maes D before going on to the final round of the competition.

The four finalists in the 2011 Dysgwr y Flwyddyn (Welsh Learner of the Year) competition are Cat Dafydd from Caerphilly, Kay Holder from Dinas Powys, Neil Wyn Jones from West Kirby and Sarah Roberts from Bangor. For more information about the finalists and this year's competition, go to the Maes D page on the National Eisteddfod website.


Click here for a handy glossary of words you're likely to see and hear around the Maes.

O'r Maes

Manon Rhys a Jim Parc Nest yr Archdderwydd

Yr wythnos a fu

Yr holl straeon, erthyglau am y prif enillwyr a chyfraniadau dyddiol Gwilym Owen.



Gwyliwch eto

Holl ganlyniadau'r wythnos a chlipiau fideo o'r prif seremon茂au.

Holl ganlyniadau, clipiau fideo a blogiau o Brifwyl 2012.

Sain a Fideo

Robat Powell

Clipiau archif

Clipiau arbennig o archif 大象传媒 Cymru gan gynnwys cadeirio Robat Powell yn 1985.


Eisteddfod yn Nghaerdydd yn 1960


Lleoliadau ac enillwyr y gorffennol a chlipiau archif.

大象传媒 iD

Llywio drwy鈥檙 大象传媒

大象传媒 漏 2014 Nid yw'r 大象传媒 yn gyfrifol am gynnwys safleoedd allanol.

Mae'r dudalen hon yn ymddangos ar ei gorau mewn porwr cyfoes sy'n defnyddio dalennau arddull (CSS). Er y byddwch yn gallu gweld cynnwys y dudalen hon yn eich porwr presennol, fyddwch chi ddim yn cael profiad gweledol cyflawn. Ystyriwch ddiweddaru'r porwr os gwelwch yn dda, neu alluogi dalennau arddull (CSS) os yw'n bosib i chi wneud hynny.