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28 October 2014

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Plum Recordings
Introducing Plum Recordings (TPR) from South Devon - an independent formation created by brothers Matt and Dan Stanaway way back in the year 2000...
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Who's who in TPR?
The core members, originators, concoctors of the big picture are Dan and Matt Stanaway. The infamous brothers share a passion for music that most people can only dream of and their love of real ale is surpassed only by Michael Jackson's love of "Bubbles".

Then there's the main man on vocals, Mr G. Harwood aka Glen, aka Rents. Former front man of Plymouth band "The Chickysaws".

Glen loves frolicking with the ladies, singing, composing and consuming alcoholic beverages with the rest of TPR. He was once rumoured to have cycled naked around Paignton just to impress a member of the opposite sex! (Apparently it worked!)

The Plum Recordings
Most memorable gig?
On a South Devon beach

Also in the band there's T.J. Richardson (aka Tex) - a whiz on computers and a mean man when it comes to funky baselines and Johnny J Mathers (JJM) - another hot percussionist who's a regular in the Westcountry. He loves the music but hates the industry.

How did you come up with the name - "The Plum Recordings"?
This dates back at least 10 years when Matt had his first drum kit. Dan used to make compilation tapes for Matt with songs like Sgt Pepper... the tapes were called things like Plum as F$%^, Tunes of Plumness, Plum Recordings etc.... with Plum meaning "great" and recordings being us.

And what about the track you've chosen to demo for us?

Basically Newton's Fable is two individual accounts by Dan and Glen moulded into one song. Glen's feelings towards an old flame are clear (as are his intentions) to re-investigate the physicality's of the EX. This is a bad move and everyone involved knows full well, but at the time it feels fresh and exciting again - Just like when your Satellites are all Aligned.

What do you think of the current music scene?
Dan - Unaware there is one. Scenes are a misconception of what is actually happening. The only scenes that are documented that have been going long enough to become recognised are no longer current! Sorry but it's true.
Glen - I'm pretty open minded about this one, so much as I think that Dan and Matt get a bit gob-smacked when I come out with something like "Have you heard the new one from The Sugar Babes, really amazing production!". But they're getting used to it. As for these new guitar bands (Elbow, Turin Brakes, Starsailor) people are likening us to them. I do understand you have to be categorised to a certain extent and - who knows - one day maybe they'll say the new band on the block sound like us. Long live Brit-Pop (good and bad)
Matt - Corporately smothered - bring on the Independents!

The Plum Recordings
"The future is plum coloured" - apparently

What's been your most memorable gig?
It has to be the one at the secluded South Devon cove, with copious casks of real ale and live projections on the cliff faces enhanced by beach fires the size of beacons, fuelled by the sleaziest grooves provided by TPR and their collective for the evening. The 200 or so revellers that evening were totally surrendering to the bubble of Plum!

Plans for the future?
The future is Plum coloured! We've lots in the pipeline, short films, soundtracks - watch this space.

And finally, what's the best and worst things about Devon?
Glen - The summer vibes have to be the best thing about the Westcountry as long as you can handle the shutdown period of the winter months. The worst thing about Devon clearly has to be the lack of support from local authorities for anyone trying to be creative in The Arts, they'd much rather give funding to re-thatch an outhouse of barn in the middle of nowhere!
Dan - Best: Secret coves, fresh air, inspiration, sea swells and the birthplace of TPR. Worst: Public transport.
Matt - Inspiration from the sun, the stars, the sea and the surf is the best......The worst is I keep getting dragged away from the place.

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