lasagne and cheap red wine, huh? OK,
we're not vegetarians - it was just on offer.
How did the name Hombr茅s Imposible come
about? That's down to Nick Mocassa our drummer.
'Compay Segundo' is a legendary album of Cuban origin in his possession
and Hombr茅s
Imposible is a line from a track on the album.
It translates into Impossible Men - quite appropriate really!
What's the name of the track you've chosen
to demo?
'Social butterfly' is the chosen track. It's the first track on
our new E.P. and gives a taster, musically, of what we're about.
Basically it's having loads going on and coping with the stresses
and strains of everyday life. Working to exist! All work and no
play makes Matt a dull boy!
Matt Sims. The man up front, former model and exiled 'Taff'. Lives
music, sleeps with his guitar in a tent in a garden somewhere in
a break between songs |
there's Andy Bullock the dude with a bass guitar and natty dreads
trapped with a Velcro pad! Can be seen semi-naked at a gig near
Finally Nick Mocassa. The ladies' man. International hombr茅
and Grohl lookalike.
Nick's been all over the world drumming and making out with the
ladies. He has a passion for extreme sports so things can get a
bit wild!
current music scene seems to be made up of manufactured bands, where
does that leave you? It's
still a tough market to break into, with not too many opportunities
Although there is a healthy amount of bands out there, due to pop
culture and those manufactured groups being forced on youth today,
the guitar band is still the underdog.......
Our time will come!!
What are the highs and lows of living in
The best has to be its location on the coast: surf, sand and sometimes
sun! Unfortunately the downside is lack of entertainment licences,
bad roads and too many caravans. There isn't enough industry interest
down here either, really, which is a shame 'coz there are some great
bands out there.
And what about the future....?
We all share the same view on this one. To perform, write and record
and to be successful doing what we enjoy. We have big plans for
the future and because we all have the same goals in sight, with
determination, motivation and a bit of luck we can achieve them.
Hombr茅s what you think.. |