did it all begin? As
a group of musicians and performers we felt the urge to fight back
against the surge of insomnia-curing, indie, Coldplay sound-a-likes.
too impressed with the current music scene then?
It's far too centred on four-piece, indie-rock bands and ignores
the originality of musicians that don't conform.
Smaller labels is where it's at.
the story of the track you've given us to demo? It's
called 'One To Remember' and was the Plaything in pro-peace
political mode - written in response to the Iraq war.
We wanted some dancefloor, gutsy reflex to assuage our frustration.
like making political comment in your music, then. How would you
build on that if you became famous? We would promote the local
fishing industry and lobby for reform of the CAP.
who in the Playthings?
DJ Puckey - scratch DJ and producer,
Olly Walker - strings to rival Nigel Kennedy,
'Sticky Fingers Molly' - backbone supremo,
MC PMS - syllable synthesist and
Barney Walker - jazz boy genius.
Puckey |
how do you sum up the Playthings collectively?
If the Playthings were an animal we'd be a duck-billed platypus
as we're difficult to categorise.
Funk, jazz, hip-hop and drum and bass jostle uncontrollably for
then - what has been your best gig to date?
Probably this year's Glastonbury (2004) when we bumped into Oasis's
He told us to ditch our drum machine and we quipped he should get
a decent singer.