Audio & Video
How do you come up with names for your characters?
Arlo and Augustus are great names for characters, but how does Catherine dream them up?
- How do you come up with names for your characters?
- Authors Live - Julia Donaldson - Reading
- Authors Live - Julia Donaldson - The Gruffalo
- He's a Grrrrrrrruffalo!
- Q&A with Julia Donaldson
- More Q&A with Julia Donaldson
- More Q&A with Julia Donaldson
- What motivates writing and how do you develop ideas?
- The main characters
- Did anyone encourage Ross MacKenzie to write books?
- About Our Tower
- Reading from 'Luna Loves Dance'
- Reading from The Boxer
- Dragonese
- Desert island books
- What are you favourite things about books?
- Sue's early influences