Audio & Video
The World of the Wolf Queen
Kiran explains her fictional world, a mythical version of Britain.
- The World of the Wolf Queen
- Authors Live - Julia Donaldson - Reading
- Authors Live - Julia Donaldson - The Gruffalo
- He's a Grrrrrrrruffalo!
- Q&A with Julia Donaldson
- More Q&A with Julia Donaldson
- More Q&A with Julia Donaldson
- A novel in verse
- Hooked on Reading
- Creating a magical place
- A question of inspiration
- The Undefeated
- Writing Tips with... Alastair Chisholm
- Writing historical fiction
- Did anyone encourage Ross MacKenzie to write books?
- Daisy on the Outer Line
- Whuppity Stoorie by Lari Don