Audio & Video
Vitalijus Prismontas
Glasgow School of Art student Vitalijus Prismontas鈥檚 response to Helen Grimes's Snow.
- Vitalijus Prismontas
- James MacMillan on the St John Passion
- Tectonics - 脡liane Radigue Inteview
- Royal Conservatoire of Scotland - 弄hte
- Mahler's Symphony No. 3 (excerpts)
- 'Bonny at Morn', a Northumbrian traditional song
- Pekka Kuusisto on folk music and Sibelius
- Bill Sweeney and Yann Ghiro on E貌las nan Ribheid
- Last Futures: Behind the Scenes
- Part 07: Malcolm Arnold's Tam o' Shanter
- Songs and a Scone in Campbeltown
- Come and Sing - Pirates of Penzance