Audio & Video
Reading from 'The Places I've Cried in Public'
Holly reads from her book 'The Places I've Cried in Public'.
- Reading from 'The Places I've Cried in Public'
- Simon Cowell
- Raj
- Characters
- Finishing feelings
- School dinners
- Thames
- Favourite book
- Next book
- Favourite author
- Gangsta Granny
- Readers and writers
- Balloons!
- Going around gardens!
- What's Sputnik up to?
- Scottish words and questions from schools
- Reading The Gruffalo in Gaelic
- Have a go!
- Whuppity Stoorie by Lari Don
- Gill reads from Willow Wildthing and the Dragon's Egg
- Keep going!
- The World of the Crossing