French toast recipes
French toast, also known in the UK as eggy bread, is a dish made a sliced bread soaked in beaten eggs and then pan-fried in oil or butter. French toast can be served either as a sweet or savoury dish, with syrups, jam, honey, eggs or bacon as options for traditional accompaniments. If it is served as a sweet dish, it is often sweetened with milk, sugar, vanilla or cinnamon before frying.
Use whatever stale white bread you have in the bread bin for this fabulous French toast – it makes a brilliant weekend brunch drenched in honey with fresh berries.
More French toast recipes
French toast should be eaten straight after cooking.
Slices of bread are soaked throughly in beaten eggs. If serving as a sweet dish, milk, sugar, vanilla or cinnamon can be added to the eggs or if serving as a savoury dish, season with salt and pepper.