I was nearly 4 years old when ww2 broke out and living in Lydford Road in Paddington W9. one day during...
On emerging from the shelter it was obvious why, as the centre of Manchester was ablaze, and the bombs were...
My school was not evacuated but I was sent down to Gloucester to stay with my Aunt Katie, that is until my...
On Saturday mornings we would visit the sweetshop and buy a handful of sweets, all the time eyeing the...
Hayes lay in the direct path of aircraft flying to and from Germany on their way to London, and in order to...
At Endon there was about five anti-aircraft guns between the Black Horse pub at Endon and the left turn for...
It has been written by his daughter Lyn Davis who kindly provided it to the Thanet Libraries and UK-Online...
In the summer of 1940 I was an 18 year old, working as a clerk for the London County Council, in Bethnal...
My strongest memory is of the day my aunt received a telegram concerning her eldest son who was killed at...
Matron Miss Gertrude Riding worked tirelessly to rescue an Auxiliary Nurse and the Chaplain who had been...
The entire village gathered for a tea party in a barn, decorated with streamers, followed by children's...
I was not very pleased at having to walk over a mile into Whitley Bay, but I remember thinking that I may...
During the Blitz my Great-grandmother and Grandparents who both lived in Clapham were bombed out and had to...
First we had the high explosive bombs, then the fire of London incendiary bombs... At night Lord Haw Haw...
Our office was on stand-by for manning Rest Centres at a nearby school, which was equipped to recieve...
On another occasion he was standing with his brother Ted watching as Jay's in The Octagon was...
One evening early in 1941 my uncle Ernie was having a drink in a Liverpool city centre pub when the sirens...
In the eary 1940s the Liverpool docks were a significant target for the Luftwaffe, and as we lived in...
One day Mrs. Turner ran out of her house screaming for my Grandmother to "Come quick, Emma! My...
After the Blitz there was no water as they had destroyed the pipes - we were very lucky in our street, the...
I was playing in one of my friends garden when we spotted a small aeroplane flying above it had what we...
And in the little block of houses that we were in they all said, ' Oh no, we shan't need anything...