An unusual and true story of a young boy who with his mother became a prisoner of both the Germans and the...
We rarely got new clothes except at Co-op ‘divi’ times, when Mam would collect the dividend...
There, military or civilian police would ensure the disposal of Germans to a POW holding wing, or in the...
The long snake of children and teachers arrived at Bow Road Underground Station and were shepherded down...
In Southampton, from the fire escape stairs at the back of the hotel I watched planes attack the...
He had very good treatment on the raider by the naval surgeon, and this continued on the Regensburg, and...
Yarkhill in Herefordshire is in the heart of rural Britain, in the rain shadow of the Welsh Black Mountains...
The war situation then took a turn for the worse with the German Army invading Belgium, Holland and France...
In 1938 at the age of eleven, I was admitted to John Watson's School, a small non-fee-paying...
When the Germans had taken France the Guernsey States ordered women and children to be evacuated to the...
On arrival at Nana Smith's house, Mam collapsed in an extremely undignified heap and was only revived...
After about an hour or so, we arrived at a village called Alrewas where we were escorted into a place...
Of a night time, Mum always used to look through the window to see that they were blacked out properly over...
7 THE SUMMARY OF MARLENE'S STORY — In London, she details her early memories of being shuttled...
In February following the terrible resistance met in trying to take Saipan, the next target nearer to Japan...
And I know Fred's wife and my mom used to worry while they messed about in the workshop. Dad was...
With the deterioration in the weather, the daylight raids stopped and the Germans settled down to night...
It is likely that Britain standing alone against the Germans, Italians and later the Japanese would have...
Some nights we were up and down several times so in the end Dad put a mattress in the corner of the...
We wondered if my father was all right and then a voice came through the letterbox, it was one of his...
There was no let up with the air-raids, and Violet, as I mentioned before was becoming more and more upset,...
The enemy realised the importance of this searchlight and tried to bomb it on many occasions but were...