When school broke up for Christmas 1943 I was three weeks from my 14th birthday, I returned to London and...
In 1940 I joined the Congregational Church in Sutton, Surrey where I met many interesting people of all...
At the end of the 2 week training, we were split up and posted to many different parts of the country...
My next memory was of a Block Buster bomb that landed on Miller Street, the road next to my school, Tudor...
I remember helping my father collect turf and soil from the dummy railway the turf was to cover the Aderson...
Christmas drew nearer and the RAF decorated B6.The German Officer approached us and asked if he could have...
Everything had been prepared for Christmas Day and this Christmas Eve, we had had a party tea early, got...
In 1939, I was only five years old, so early memories of the War are hazy, and I did not find it...
I saw a lot of things a child shouldn't see - bits and pieces. The crowd stretched from Buckingham...
Today you can just pop to the cupboard and grab a chocolate bar if you're hungry, but then if children...
As there was a bit of a lull in the war and my mum and youngest brother had returned from evacuation, we...
As men were called up women were having to take on their work and, in my case, I took over a horse-drawn...
Great Grandma and Great Granddad Cornwall, Grandma Elizabeth Ann Welsh, Granddad Frederick Welsh, mother...
The Borough Council issued a statement, encouraging householders to take in children and families if...
Another bomb fell in Witton and damaged the house I was living in and the water flooded the air raid...
Workmen came to our house along with many others to erect air-raid shelters in people's back gardens...
We were lucky we didn't get many raids but we often heard the drone of German aircraft on their way to...
At that time we lived in Pyrford, Surrey and to get away from the danger my mother and I came to stay...
My Dad always had a car and we took the water to the hut in dustbins on a trailer towed by the...
My Dad and a neighbour, Jack, were leaning on the fence discussing the mistakes Monty had made in the...
But the memory which stands out most from the war is just before D- Day, the end of April 1944, when the...
I was such a child and left school at thirteen years working on the family Dairy Farm with the men, as a...