Eventually rations books with coupons for obtaining food were issued and you registered with a grocer or...
Our father was working in England, as at this time there was no work for Catholics in Northern Ireland......
However a friend, who I called Auntie Nora, was going to the Lake District for a break and offered to take...
My father's sister lived in Stockport and said that as she looked up Wellington Road towards Manchester...
Apart from the tiny lady dressed in black with a lacy mantilla over her white hair, there was the tall...
During World War II I lived with my parents, older sister and younger brother in a small village called...
She said "Salvation Army" - so when asked I proudly announced Salvation Army....
When, on September 9th 1939, Neville Chamberlain announced that we were at war with Germany, I was in an...
Sometimes dinner money would be spent at the bakers. For a long time we only attended school in the...
My father, John Watson was born in Leek signed onto The Royal Marines, under age, during World War 1. The...
This didn't seem to me to be a sensible use of time and effort at a period of extreme crisis in the...
I was 8 years old when WW2 commenced and lived in a quiet little village in South Derry called...
At the age of 12 years I lived with an Aunt Mrs. Alice Buss at 508, Commercial Road, Portsmouth... We were...
I was a 鈥淟ifeboy鈥 a member of the junior branch of the 鈥淏oys Brigade鈥 an...
I was evacuated to Long Framligton with my mother, her sister, her child and my younger brother. I used to...
My mum was moved from Portsmouth to Haselmere for my birth and, in talking to visitors to the Nothe Fort,...
During the school holidays, Dad sometimes took me to work with him, usually repairing shattered roofs and...
During the war, weekday local dances were held in the town at the Carmel Hall and Lloyds Clubhouses at...
The day war broke out, as a nine-year-old in Liverpool, I became an evacuee along with my brother and...
I was evacuated to Gortin: we were collected at Mountcollyer School and travelled by train to Omagh - a...
The darkened room was in fact the living room of our house in Droylesden, Manchester. The house was not...
I watched the doodlebug continue in the direction of the River Medway and The City of Rochester until I...