Stories categorised in 'Royal Air Force'. These stories may contain references to other themes.
This confirmed that Dick had in fact travelled through France and made his way to Switzerland safely. The...
A German NCO was sent ahead on a bicycle to make arrangements with the village Burgmeister for our intended...
A personal memoir of my experiences, discoveries and beliefs regarding the life, RAF career and death of my...
But we still had work to do rounding up prisoners taking over German HQ's and airfields this kept us...
The carrier vanishes After some training on Swordfish, grandfather was told that he and his fellow pilots...
In my conversations with him I told him briefly of what I had learnt and he agreed with the opinion that my...
First at Stalag VIII.B. at Lamsdorf Lower Silesia for about four months, then the new Luftwaffe controlled...
Gradually we became an integrated crew, I map read to the target, to aim small bombs on some Somerset mud...
Frank and the squadron were on patrol the night of the Great Fire Raid on London on 29th December when for...
Although the eye-witnesses have identified this aircraft as a Spitfire, the lack of battle damage confirms...
The Flt Engineer, Sgt Bob Drongeson, the Bombaimer, Sgt Bernard Taylor, Navigator, Warrant Officer Nik Zuk,...
Goodbye and God speed In an extract from Helen's diary for the night of 19 February, she wrote:...
At that time the squadron was equipped with Hawker Hurricane MK IID's which was developed for low level...
As the aircraft hit the sea, George was thrown forward between the pilots seats, there was a heavy inrush...
As we approached some of the early birds were already there, the flak and searchlights had increased and...
Sgt. John Patterson; WOP Sgt. Frank Linklater; Bomb Aimer Sgt. D. Hall; one Rhodesian - Rear Gunner Sgt....
From his position in the nose of the aircraft, he called on the intercom; skipper this is the navigator, I...
While on patrol, with Percy on the radio and myself on the radar we had received a signal of a sighting and...
Whilst taking my aircraft through the evasive manoeuvres, anxiously awaited news from his crew:...
How did the gunners see anything in these conditions, to the starboard side of the aircraft was a black...
After completing his training as a fitter Harold was eventually posted to India, travelling on the SS...
Two officers and a partisan typist sat at a desk and one of the officers said in English 鈥楾his is a...
Long before we arrived at the camp, the prisoners, likewise the Italian sentries were staggering along like...
In a way this was to be my downfall: money to spend, free time, nightlife in Brussels. Christmas coming...
I heard Ted on the intercom, shouting 'Farmers had it' and, as we flashed over a wood, I saw the...
However, the heavy defences at Brest, supplemented by the anti-aircraft guns of the two warships, made...