Stories categorised in 'Royal Air Force'. These stories may contain references to other themes.
Curiousity getting the better of them the two airmen left the cab of the Bedford, drew their side-arms and...
Before the Japanese crossed the Johore Strait the powers-that-be decided the RAF would be better flying...
I was shot down on my 13th op., the only crew member on 13, and went on to complete another 13 ops....
The Japs started to land where we were in Sumatra... We did two or three ops, using Dutch 200kg bombs that...
Shortly after arriving on the island of Terceria in the Azores, I was posted to the Air Sea Rescue Service...
In April , Alice who was living with the family, went to visit a 鈥楶sychic鈥 friend named Phyllis...
In 1944 he was shot down over Yugoslavia and with the help of partisans evaded the Germans and returned to...
Fifty-six years after the crash, she flew to Cheshire, England. Three years later, an email enquiry arrived...
L/cpl Cowell, followed by his sergeant, William Chick, headed towards the minefield. See a photograph of...
"When it was time for us to leave for England the captain under whom I served in the commissary wanted...
Navigator on Douglas Boston 111A aircraft 鈥淟鈥 of No. 88 Squadron flying from R.A.F. Hartford...
I was a Spitfire pilot on a fighter squadron stationed in Mingaladon Rangoon, Burma during the last few...
When war broke out I was swimming in Ladywell Baths in South East London, I heard the sirens and they...
As Ground Crew, my first Posting was to RAF Scampton, where 617 Squadron, who later became known as The...
As a reward for my services to King and Country I later received four medals and the appropriate ribbons:...
While maintaining the radar for the anti-aircraft defences of Cairo, I became friendly with a bomb disposal...
I could become a Motor Transport Driver, an Aircraft hand General Duties or a Gunner. Whilst here I met...
The German doctor's examination revealed a nasty exit wound below Jock's shoulder blade and the...
Vern Herron piloting one of them, got two German rifleman who were taking shots at me The Walrus turned and...
Our job was to patrol the North Sea between Scotland and Norway, protecting Royal Navy vessels in the area...
She had always been promised by Squadron Leader Glen Cross if there was ever a flight going to Guernsey in...
The rear gunner, this unlikely, unnamed unsung hero was a young man known to his friends as Taffy Davies...
I set off to meet Jim wearing a pair of grey silk stockings instead of the regulation air-force blue lisle...
I am looking at the front cover of One Story of RADAR by A P Rowe at a photograph of 鈥楯immy鈥...
I blinked upwards from the flying panel instruments to the scene ahead and just caught sight of a line of...
They claimed that they knew nothing of what had happened in the camp, a Polish Jew informed me, adding...