Other Grey/Blue lorries transported extremely large "Gas Bottles" that the local kids always...
Alighting at Whyteleafe railway station, wearing full kit and carrying our gas masks, tin hats and kitbags,...
I woke two days later in hospital with a broken collar bone, two broken legs, both my knee caps having been...
I was at Heston until April, and then went to work on Spitfires and Lysanders with 61OTU in Shropshire. I...
There were no two seated Hurricanes so we had to get familiar with the cockpit and procedures on the...
When the Japs landed in Java, there was nothing we could do as we had very little equipment and very few...
My uncle tells the story of how he came home on a very rare visit and alighted from Shildon railway station...
On the afternoon of June 5th, 1944, four High Speed Launches from No. 43 Air Sea Rescue base, RAF Mount...
I was taught how to pack parachutes at 13 M.U. Henlow but I re-mustered and went on an aircraft fitter...
Nov 25th at 06.30hrs -Docked Gibraltar and boarded HMS Southampton having an escort of nine Destroyers, one...
An air battle was in full cry overhead and suddenly a Junkers 88 was shot down, two parachutes left the...
We started the aerodrome there, initially there were only Mk1 Anson planes, these were old English...
Jack, who had not plugged in his intercom was checking his guns when Radcliffe, his mid upper gunner, came...
Leaving Freetown, we passed the Isle of St. Helena, and after some time we arrived in Cape Town, seeing the...
Our first lift was by an RAF van which had to drop us off in the Hammersmith area because of an air...
I arrived to Egypt for training via the Air Crew Receiving Centre, London, in April 1943; Initial Training...
I never served on aircraft carriers but went to HMS Gosling at Warrington and then to Abbotsinch Naval Air...
When driving in convoy on the road to Flensburg, my flight commander was sitting beside me as he always did...
When driving in convoy on the road to Flensburg, my flight commander was sitting beside me as he always did...
One of the survivors of 150 Squadron, Group Captain Randal, wrote to Leslie's brother, Vic., in 1991...
Abbeville is a small town lying some thirty miles inside France on the North side of the River Somme, a...
They drew the blackout curtains and we saw that a Hampden bomber had crashed into St Matthias church...