As second pilot when Ken Potts made a crash landing at Withern, Lincs, I had a clear view of what happened....
However, as it so happened on or two noughts seemed to have been missed off the altimeters and the people...
I had persuaded George that it was worth having a shot at escaping, if only to break the monotony of the...
Our Sgt Holland from Burton on Trent had a very entertaining flight against an American Crew Officer crew...
Mountbatten called all Japanese Commanders in South East Asia to go to Singapore to the Surrender Ceremony....
I was asked what sort of flying I would like to do and I said, “I would like to have high flying...
Flying in over Eastern England, Blondie was out of gas, her fourth engine had been shot out and so over a...
The Doctor said that my Mum should be in a safer place and contacted my Dad, who was at that time stationed...
I was posted, after my time at RAF Ford, to work as a Flight Mechanic on Flying Fortresses in the RAF...
We had to climb over the Alps again and do a low level bombing on the Fait works at Turin, and then...
The aircraft took off on an operational sortie but, before they returned, Japanese paratroops had been...
I was born in Walsall West Midlands I was 14 years old when WW2 was declared, I can recall vividly...
My dad and his good friend from England, Reg Fehrn, were asked to turn the aviation fuel out into the...
After joining the squadron which was mainly Norwegians,Poles and Australians, he took his aircraft for its...
My aunt worked at Boyce Adams bakery ,so she provided the icing for the cake, Audrey had her own dress made...
After 8 hours I solo'd in the Tiger Moth... And the minute I got out of the Tiger Moth I was jumping...
I was finally posted to 97 Squadron at Bourn near Cambridge; part of the 8 Pathfinder Force. I took part in...
As the phoney war disappeared and more and more German aircraft were involved in combat with the Armee...
There are quite a lot of planes around here, mostly Yankees; Torts, Lightnings, Thunderbolts, Spits,...
On the way we stopped off in Durban before setting off for a Bombay transit camp in India and then onto...
The aircraft flew convoy protection patrols over the Indian Ocean. Once a lioness gave birth on the...
The RAF had also taken over London Zoo and Lords cricket ground. We were given an advance of pay which I...