An incident at North Weald airfield 1940-41. Maybe at Duxford....
Eric Allaway Picture 1...
Clowne Photographs No. 10...
A photo that I had taken when we were staying at Springe a small town in Germany after the war had finished...
109362347319358753723_1.jpglanded_plane.jpgWaiting for take-off, 1940-41....
Jack Russell...
Jack Lazenby...
Civilians had this catastrophic idea of the life expectancy of an air gunner and they looked on Hector with...
One morning I saw three Beaufighters of 600 City of London squadron land and taxi to a park at the Yesi end...
Another time when I was on night flying duty and I had been involved in the thirty six nights’...
Another time when I was on night flying duty and I had been involved in the thirty six nights’...
Incidental: 259 aircraft - 125 Lancasters, 118 Halifaxes, 16 Mosquitos - of Nos 1, 4, 5, 6 and 8 Groups to...
An old P & O boat, was a three funnel, coal burning liner of pre WW1 vintage and in fact had a...
The reason for so many wireless operators was that we were going to be the first course to fly an aeroplane...
Man power was first The Captain who had to be a gunner officer with lots of gunnery experience and a light...
England and France guaranteed Poland's frontiers, thus virtually ensuring war if Germany embarked on...
It was on my birthday, June 13 1944 when I was nineteen that we all watched the first of the Flying Bombs...
Moreover, the Squadron's two-seater Harvard aircraft was now fully employed carrying the Boys to...
I was to report to Wing Commander Sydney Cotton at Number 2 Camouflage Unit at Heston Aerodrome. Christmas...
I was to report to Wing Commander Sydney Cotton at Number 2 Camouflage Unit at Heston Aerodrome. Christmas...
I was to report to Wing Commander Sydney Cotton at Number 2 Camouflage Unit at Heston Aerodrome. Christmas...
I was to report to Wing Commander Sydney Cotton at Number 2 Camouflage Unit at Heston Aerodrome. Christmas...