Royal Canadian Navy, the Methodist Church, and there used to be some functions in the Guildhall, some...
We were interviewed by a Petty Officer who informed us that HMS Tamaki was full but there was a scheme...
On the port side were the Merchant Navy, firemen, greasers, cooks, stewards, a sail maker a lamp trimmer....
Mr. Stone was resplendent in red frock coat black trousers with gold braid , and to my amazement informed...
Mr. Stone was resplendent in red frock coat black trousers with gold braid , and to my amazement informed...
The next thing I heard was Barney Magill our Chief Officer asking the Sergeant "Sweet heart would you...
I also remember we had pilchards for dinner one day, hundrads of tins were warmed up, when we opend them up...
From HMS Chrysanthemum where we first came under strict Naval discipline-saluting the quarter deck and so...
The captain, second officer and two of the gun crew were yanking the stoker out of the saloon, the steward...
In August 1944, I took my final leave from HMS St.George before I joined the fleet aircraft carrier HMS...
Stygian’ completed seven patrols in the Far East, the first was from Trincomalee, one from Freemantle...
Stoker Storey was a Durham miner who hewed coal in those low tunnels stretching out under the North Sea:...
Stygian’ completed seven patrols in the Far East, the first was from Trincomalee, one from Freemantle...
The Petty Officer in charge of the fire-fighters informed me that a shell had pierced `Y` gun house, rifled...
I found myself allocated to Longroom Signal Station, Millbay Docks, Durnford Street, overlooking Plymouth...
The Petty Officer in charge of the fire-fighters informed me that a shell had pierced `Y` gun house, rifled...
We took it out on a bollard, we stretched the neck out, I held the neck, Warren held the legs, the wings...
In the early months of 1945 the Tenby left Portsmouth, making her way up the north sea and stopping at Hull...
Bletchley Park had broken the German Naval Enigma code, and although I did not know then the source of the...
Over the next 10 days children were interviewd by Officers of the Child Welfare Dept and by some other...
Meeting John Martell I learned that Albert Purvis, now Chief of the Empire Sophy was also in port and,...