On the way we were diverted to St Helena to pick up mail and we rejoined the Aircraft Carrier at Gibraltar....
In 1941 my husband was sent to Canada to help in the manufacture of naval guns which were to be produced at...
Singapore Repulsed...
This is the story of an Essex fishing smack - the "Iris Mary" owned by Joe Heard of Tollesbury....
I was officer in charge of one of the secret listening posts manned by German speaking WRN's who...
In July 1940 I was serving as the third officer on the S.S Antonio, in Convoy OA 178, when it came under...
On one occasion after safely delivering our convoy to Malta, we were on our way back to Alexandria in...
We sailed from Liverpool round the north of Ireland and formed a convoy led by our ship the...
The names of the trawlers were HMS Inkpen, Birdlip and Turcoman. The Inkpen and Turcoman immediately began...
Information, which we were given to believe came from a British spy in Portugal but as we now know probably...
Once we were tied up we immediately started taking on Royal marine and French commandos. at dusk we slipped...
He was an engineering officer and worked on MTBs, MGBs and MSBs, they were lined up alongside the quay at...
I made several trips from Australia to Sumatra and Singapore carrying Aviation fuel from the Dutch East...
My first wartime trip was on the ‘Santa Clara Valley’ to Narvick and we were all together in...
We were patrolling the area around the mouth of the River Schelde in Holland where German submarine convoys...
After a year as a degaussing Wren in Whitehead on Belfast Lough, I was fortunate enough to be sent to...
I felt different — once I finished with the merchant navy I was all for going back because I...
Leaving the ship it headed for the harbour steps but about halfway across it developed engine trouble and...
Mr Rees joined his first ship, the freighter Roxburgh Castle in 1941 as a deck boy aged 16 and a half....
At the time of D-Day I was a 19-year-old Ordinary Seaman on the Captain Class frigate HMS Lawford. I joined...
So, in December 1939 I was directed by the Admiralty to report to the Captain of H.M.S. Vernon in...
Our first sight of South Africa was Table Mountain sitting above Capetown. After our little sojourn in...