She went into nursing and worked at a hospital across the Tyne and remembers having to be made to go into...
In between did district nursing... While in this hospital some of us were sent to Leaveston to nurse the...
She had evacuee children to stay and when the bombing got really bad in London she had two tailoresses to...
VE Day, May 8th 1945 and Student Nurse Gladys Charters was living in the Nurses Home at South Shields...
The planes must have brought-back wounded soldiers because I occasionally had to go on the wards of the...
Through contact with Lady Wavell, she was able to leave the camp and enlist with the Indian Nursing...
Eventually they were transferred to a specialist hospital in East Grinstead, leaving room in Barts for...
Two incidents I remember are when they bombed Boots on London Road in Nottingham and hundreds of rats came...
His mum was a patient of mine at the City General and she asked i f one of us nurses would write...
I was working in an institute in a TB hospital called Grove Park, I was a nurse and throughly enjoyed it! I...
One of the men stationed at the racecourse committed suicide, as he was a catholic he was not allowed to be...
The patient asked The Nurse, and The Nurse asked The Sister "Could he have a little tray Of breakfast...
I can still remember standing in the kitchen-doorway with the never to be forgotten voice of Neville...
I remember the Matron saying to us: "Remember you are Christians first and English women and Nurses as...
From Chilwell, I went Melton Mowbray - who should I meet there but Peggy Brown, a friend from Backworth,...
I was twenty years old when, having completed my training as a medical nurse at St Stephen's Hospital...
But it was marvellous on the troop ship; we had bananas and oranges, which we hadn't seen for ages When...
I'd had an operation on my back, I had abscesses on my back and when the bombs fell we were taken and...
When I had my calling-up papers at 19, I decided to do nursing I was sent to Winford Orthopaedic hospital,...
When I awoke, my leg had a large hole just below the knee, the poison had been removed and there was a...
I started off in N Ireland in Belfast when I joined FANYin 1939 We had comandeered Pickfords vans for...
I passed the day agonizing over the safety of my service friends; especially those of the Church Youth...