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Malta Journal 1940-42

by c-fuller

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People in story:Ìý
John William Fuller
Location of story:Ìý
Background to story:Ìý
Royal Air Force
Article ID:Ìý
Contributed on:Ìý
19 August 2004

This is an extract dealing with his time with the RAF in Malta from a journal kept by my father, John Fuller, from 1930 until 1942. The journal was transcribed after John's death, and, the words I have been unable to decipher are enclosed in square brackets. He also kept a photographic record of his time in Malta, and I attach one photograph.

Catherine Fuller August 2004

John Fuller joined the RAF, at the age of 26, in July 1940, and in September 1940 he sailed from Liverpool for Malta. He arrived in Malta in November 1940 with No. 1 AMES, renumbered 501, commanded by Ft Lt Povey. The company brought with them a CHL Type Transmitter (Chain Home Low i.e. Radar designed to track shipping or low flying aircraft), receiver, generators, etc. on board the Battleship Ramillies, and established a Radar base at Fort Tas Silg. He kept a journal for the early part of the war, and this extract covers his time in Malta, but because it was wartime he could not make any references to the operation of the radar station The journal ends abruptly on 6 September 1942. He remembered the incident recorded in the penultimate entry for 1 April 1942, when five of his unit were killed, until the end of his own life in November 2003.

John William Fuller 1914-2003
Malta Diary 1939-42
Royal Air Force
1st Air Ministry Experimental Station

Friday 8 November 1940 [aged 27]
Expecting to reach Malta tomorrow, sea calm most of the Med. fleet is with us like a revue, planes flying about marvellous show.

Saturday 9 November 1940
Blowing like hell—sea rough. We see Malta at 1400—sky clears and we enter the harbour as the sun is setting wonderful sight. We are lined up on the quarter deck—marine band playing, crowds on the Bastion cheering—our pom-poms are fired by mistake—we drop anchor about 2100—carry our kit bags ashore—we go to Kalafrana by buses—then back to Hal Far to sleep at 0030—tired out and fed up.

Monday 11 November 1940 Armistice Day
We have our own camp at Marsaxlokk, go to Kalafrana for our meals about four miles—lovely spot—have taken photographs—must be in camp by nine—nothing to do all day.

Wednesday 13 November 1940
Still at the same camp, are allowed out later moving equipment to other station.

Saturday 16 November 1940
Nasty accident on Thursday lucky not to be in it. Three fellows in hospital—went to our own Fort yesterday, what a dump. Are moving in at end of the month—going to Valletta tomorrow.

Tuesday 19 November 1940
Cable received this morning. No air raids for the last week.

Thursday 21 November 1940
Valletta again yesterday—went to a cinema. Raining this morning for the first time.

Sunday 24 November 1940
Have not been to Valletta again since Weds. Still at Marsaxlokk—nothing much to do—two raids today—

Wednesday 27 November 1940
Has been raining the last few days—three raids this morning, nothing to do—saw plane shot down yesterday—it turned out to be one of our own.

Thursday 28 November 1940
Five raids today, last one eleven pm— saw 14 enemy planes, tons of ac.ac. but nothing hit—still lazying about.

Tuesday 3 December 1940
Nothing to report—Four letters since Thursday sent three in return, two air raids nothing to see—raining quite a lot and cold.

Wednesday 4 December 1940
Went to Len’s place in St Georges last Saturday good time. Have been moving stuff to our fort the last three days.

Monday 23 December 1940
At Fort Tas Silg—not nearly so nice as I expected it to be. Billeted just outside the Fort—five minutes walk to our dining hall—arrived here last Friday after being at Hal Far for two days—nothing arranged for Christmas yet—feeling fed up.

Wednesday 25 December 1940 Christmas Day
Went to Sliema yesterday—went to a dance at the Regent and stayed the night at TocH—really good dinner today nothing to do tonight—raining like hell.

Wednesday 1 January 1941 New Years Day
Went again to Sliema last. Had a good time no work today, have been playing football in goal.

Tuesday 7 January 1941
At headquarters billet Valletta—came here with three more to work in filter room—table not ready.

Sunday 12 January 1941
Have been working on table since Tuesday—almost finished—enjoyed doing it—shan’t want to go back to Tas Silg when this job is over.

Thursday 16 January 1941
Arrived back here at Tas Silg 1300 hrs today—have had two terrific air raids this afternoon—Junkers 88 dive bombers, put up a great show, no hurricanes to be seen, plenty of a.a. fire expecting more tonight.

Sunday 19 January 1941
Friday nothing to report. Yesterday another big air raid on Luqa and Hal Far also another go at the Grand Harbour and Illustrious—plenty of damage done—Today received letter from Canada another raid this morning on Valletta dive bombers again.

Sunday 16 February 1941 [age 27]
Still at Tas Silg and getting plenty of raids—Parachute troops landed in southern Italy last Friday—marines sent from To-Qali—getting bored with rumours of invasion—lovely weather—rotten food.

Thursday 6 March 1941
Big dive bombing raid yesterday very near about 100 hits—also about a week ago on Luqa—still working at Tas Silg getting my specs tomorrow no letter from home for ages—getting warmer—

Sunday 23 March 1941
At last a convoy arrived—have been expecting it for months came in about six this morning was on watch—were the first to get it—two big dive bombing raids on the harbour during the day.

Wednesday 26 March 1941
Had a visit from Sir John Lill[?] today. No more big raids on Convoy since Sunday—received ten pounds back pay last week. Rumours of being moved soon.

Thursday 17 April 1941
Staying at the Hotel de France making another table—Big convoy of German troops sunk off Sicily—Survivors from Mohawk in town last night dressed in fridge suits[?] Expecting return to Tas Silg on Saturday.

Wednesday 30 April 1941
Biggest raid yet last night lasted 6 hours hardly a pane of glass left in Valletta—nothing dropped near here—raids all day long—started swimming and sun bathing.

2 May 1941
Received two AM postcards and one letter. One destroyer struck a mine in Grand Harbour and was sunk—was on watch at the time—was promoted to AC1 yesterday—am now getting 4s 9d a day.

13 May 1941
Had one letter from home yesterday dated Feb 26th. Still getting plenty of night raids—one lasted 5 hours last night—playing cricket and plenty of swimming.

17 May 1941
Had 7 days rest last week—had a good time at Len’s—had one tooth out yesterday at Kalafrana—Things have been very quiet lately—must be the quiet before the storm.

20 May 1941
Five hurricanes and two Sunderlands lost in last fortnight and nothing to show for it. Also shot down one of our own beau[forts] L.D. ship last night nothing done—damn poor show.

28 June 1941
Still very quiet and getting hotter. We are sending out every kite we have to bomb convoys—one raid yesterday morning. Seven brought down, good show.

11 July 1941
Promoted to L.A.C. from July 1st, received £3. 10 today—I have been in the RAF a year last July 2nd. Have started bombing Sicily and Italy from the island.

25 July 1941
Received £2. 10 today. My allotment started July 11th big [...?] yesterday.

10 August 1941
AM card from Pop yesterday first for months—very quiet lately night raids mostly ‘illuminators’. New unit arrived this week.

Monday 1 September 1941
Things still quiet—went to Gozo last week had a great time.

4th September 1941
War been on two years yesterday—four raids last night one this morning (Dorse I.R.)(fighter bongo december).

17 October 1941
Still very quiet—

l January 1942
Good time last night—two midnights—very merry. Have had heavy Jerry raids last month. No Hurricanes up for two days? Very cold—hoping to go home within month or two—Regent bombed, sailors in bar.

3 March 1942 (age 28)
Raids all day and night for months. Two bombs in Fort last month no one hurt. Have not been out for weeks. Received no mail since Xmas. Fed up with life not much hope of move.

1 April 1942
A bad day. We had our photos taken in the morning—the whole unit have been trying to do it for months [see attached photograph]. Raids extra severe during day. 87 brought down near Peter’s Pool, most of our fellows went down to see it, not me was too tired as usual. Five of them were killed when bomb on 87 exploded. FLt Povey was one of them, was as usual right in the front row. A fine fellow.

6 September 1942
Came back from hospital week ago, was in for ten weeks and was glad of change from this dump. Am just about fed up with this station, hoping to get away before Xmas. Very little raids these days, but lot dropped on hospital when I was in bed, few patients killed.

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