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Dad's War Diary 6

by cliffsjulie

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Clifford Spencer
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18 July 2005

Well after fourteen weeks my foot is better after the burns. Shall be going to the service later on, it’s now about 7.15p.m. I’ve just had my tea. Would have been a decent meal in winter, but not my idea for a hot Sunday tea. I had cocoa, fried sausages, and egg flakes we are getting those in parcels now. It’s like a powder in a tin, put it to steep in water, then fry, it tastes like the yolk of the egg. Good night my darlings.xxx
July 19th What a day, for three hours 11.00a.m. to 2.00p.m. there was a raid on, we could hear. A.A. and bombs, I understand it’s Rome that has been bombed, then there came leaflets, thousands of them flying over the camp, a few dropping inside the camp. What a sight. Of course we have had it read out. It was telling the Ities that Rome would be bombed, but all the Historical places would not. It stated that their pilots would be picked, and would bomb in daylight, to day must have been the first go. All the civvies left their work and went home. I felt very sorry for them. I am sure they don’t want was, and I do believe that they would be glad if England did take over. They are between two fires.
Tonight there’s been finals of the basket —ball teams, and a comic match. A team of men dressed as women. What a laugh, best bit of fun I’ve had for a long time, the band was also in attendance. It’s been red hot again. So to bed once more, and wondering if we shall hear a raid again, we did last night, beside today.
July 20th Yes! Rome was bombed all night. The brown bomber, ( that by the way is the chap who is in charge of all the workers in the camp) his house was hit. There has been Donkey carts, lorries, all kind of vehicles evacuating people today. Tonight- two days after it was bombed, there is still a big red glow in the sky.
July 21st Today’s paper says there were hundreds of planes taking part, and a lot of damage done. They are very bitter about it, and think Rome should be left alone. They should have thought of that when England was bombed, although I’m sorry for the aged and children.
July 25th Sunday Lovely day. Service, we have had it in a new building, which is not used. Much better, a lot more attended, a good service, and some good singing.
July 26th A day to remember! 6.30.a.m. this morning, I was woken up by some of the farmers. They went up to the gate to go out, but were not allowed out. They came back all excited saying that Mosso had left Italy. Royalists had taken over. More rumours we thought, wishing they would shut up and let us carry on with our sleep. Anyway roll call came, and there were all the guard’s in-groups all smiling and telling us what had happened, so we began to think there must be something in it. So what my feelings are, I don’t know, can it be that we will soon be free, or will they still fight on, or will Jerry take over. We will still have to wait and see what tomorrow brings, and hope and pray that God will bring peace.
July 27th The news is that Hassim are out of it, but the war carries on.
July 28th/29th Rumours of all kinds. Italy out of the war. Peace signed at various times. Mosso assassinated etc.
July 30th We think that something is going on. We hope peace talks, we know that it takes time. Meanwhile the paper says the war still goes on. I think we will know our fate in a month. Parcels one between four. No more until some comes in. A lot of sports gear has come from the Red Cross, and the Ities have destroyed most of it. Cricket balls cut open. Bat handles cut off, out of 200 Ping-Pong balls, only three-left whole. Footballs have come, but there is no place to play
July 31st Hair cut.
August 1st I wonder what August will bring? Will Italy pack up or fight on. I think we shall know our fate this month. Very hot these days. There is a dance on tonight. No parcels in.
August 2nd/3rd The camp has got a play. Jolly good, it is called The Best Laid Plans.Every one praised it, it really was marvellous the way it was got up and played. A chap made it up. The stage was a sight to see. Settee and chairs made out of plywood. ( from Canadian Red Cross boxes). Lulu and Happy had big parts. For an hour and a half, it made one forget that he was a POW.
August 4th Soap issues. The Ities have stopped the daily paper coming in — but!
Sunday I have had a letter from you today dear, not often we get them on Sundays. Another lovely day. Another dance on tonight. It’s funny how our memories have gone while being a POW. Mine always was bad, but it’s awful now. Most who I talk to are the same, such as remembering names of people and places, and other things that crop up. I guess you had a proud mother look when Julie was doing her stuff at the Anniversary, yes darling how I wish I could have been there, lets hope. Please God I’ll see her next year. Goodnight my loving darling.
August 11th 12. Mid-day, very hot, wash shorts, socks, and towel this morning. Have started sleeping outside now, it’s so hot and stuffy inside. Got some planks on bricks in-between the huts, it’s OK, also not so many fleas. Keep missing cheese issue now.
August 12th Our hut has concert, pay 4 lire each, money to buy new instruments.
August 13th A good day for us. First formations of our bombers pass over the camp, we have heard them before, but that’s the first we have seen, a jolly good sight for sore eyes. We all were staring up and causing a commotion. Extra guards were put on, and machine guns were manned round the camp. I don’t know what they thought we could do about it. A good news bulletin. Two letters from you darling. Play tennor quoits at night. We are going to have a tournament; Len is to be my partner.
August 14th Thousands bomber raid over Malon. Rome also bombed again. A jolly good concert tonight, it really is marvellous how they all get up. There has been a competition for the naming of the hut where we have the concert. It is now called THE KLIMAX
August 15th Eight years ago today, Dad died, poor old mum will be feeling the loneliness just now, how awful it must be to lose your partner.
August 16th 20 men come back from the aluminium job, which went out some time ago, they refused to work, and have been in jail, they look very thin and pale.
August 17th More workers go out, about 70 at 5.a.m. I am glad I’m not working in this heat, it would get me down. News still good.
August 18th Len and I lose 2 points to nil in first quoits match. Les gets his first cig parcel. Two letters, one from Muriel and Myrtle.(Sister and Sister in-law) Getting a good few books to read these days, but none have come for me yet.
August 19th Five more men come back, they had been labouring, (not enough food)
August 20th The paper says Sicily is finished. Big meeting in Quebec with all our big noises. Half the camp think Italy won’t be invaded. What a disappointment it will be for us if it isn’t, we had hopes of being home for Xmas.
August 21st Lights go out most nights now between 11pm.and 12p.m.because of raids
August 22nd One point each in 2nd match of Tenner Quoits
August 23rd Win 3rd match 2 points top. Parcels are coming in all right. All the tins are stabbed, and a lot of it goes bad before it can be eaten. All cigs are taken out out of the packets, those from next of kin too. Must think they are going to find maps, or maybe a gun! One hut per day is searched, ours was the one today, and all they got was a knife and a file. Still sleeping outside, lovely nights. The days are too hot to be pleasant. One fig issues each. Every Sunday morning a party of RCs goes to the next compound for a service
When in the wire, our one desire, is to forget our sorrows, until one day, you will hear them say, your going home tomorrow
August 24th A good day again darling, my second clothing parcel, everything you sent was in good condition, thank you my dear for all you think of what I want, it must be a job wondering what I want.
August 25th Oh boy! Four letters today, all wrote in July. Pleased to know my photo’s arrived. Julie writes her name for first time, bless her. Rumours of the day (Italy will be out of the war by end of week?)
Lots of the lads have boils, I think it’s being without greens for so long, we had some today, it’s the first time for months, and then it was only beetroot tops. Go to concert, very good.
August 26th 20 people nearly charged for refusing to do a job. More mail, best week there’s been for mail. I have had one from Elsie (sister in law) July 15th wrote.
August 27th our little Julie’s birthday seven years old, it’s hard to believe it, how I guess she has altered. It pleased me to know that she picked me out in the photo. Some airmen in the next compound who were dancing in London four days ago bring good news.
August 28th some men come in from Capou, the last camp we were in, it’s flat now the RAF has gone. Play first round in Tenner quoits Tournament, win 6-1 6-0 and so enter second round.
Aug 29th Still lovely weather. Go to service
August 31st Today is once again our anniversary dear, we spend it apart once more, I brings many happy memories and longings for the future, please God may it be soon. I so much want to be with you again darling, and of course our little pal. Win second round for tenner quoits 6-1 6-0. Go to play, very good, better then some shows you see in civvie street.
Sept 3rd Hear that Italy has been invaded, Lets hope it’s true, but we get so many rumours. Get beat in the 3rd round of tenner quoits 6-3 6-4, a good game though. No water for getting washed until late evening.
Sept 4th The paper confirm that Italy has been invaded, naturally we are all in good spirits, we were beginning to get downhearted, thinking that they would leave invading until later. What will happen now. Roll on the Tommies.

September 8th 1943 8.30p.m

ITALY out of the war. Oh boy. Oh boy we can’t believe it; our hearts are full, too full for words.
The Itie guards were excited, and we could see that something had happened, rumours soon got round that Italy was out of it, but we took no notice for there is rumours every day. Anyway the group commander was called up, and they came back with the news.
Then the thoughts of where, and what our loved ones at home were thinking and doing. I wonder if I picture you right dear, laughing and crying at the same time, wondering when I’ll be home.
Of course that’s our thoughts now.
Well what followed after the news and talks, Len, Bill, Les and I had an extra brew with extra milk and sugar in, I went to a thanksgiving service, for we sure have something to be thankful for. Then there was a dance with the band playing. I could jump over the moon. I’m so happy of the future. Please God may every one of us reach our loved ones in safety.
12.p.m midnight I go to bed.
Thurs 9th September
Could not sleep, I was thinking of home all night. This morning there is a lot of banging.
Later- Ities and Jerries fighting each other now. Gunners 52 flying over dropping paratroops on an airdrome about 7 miles from here. Afternoon, hear that the Ities have cleared the Jerries up. The papers give an account of the Armistice
!0th September No papers in today. Afternoon news that Jerry has taken charge of Rome. (Not so good) Evening, Excitement again, Rumours that Americans and English troops are in Rome. Out Interpreter goes to listen to English news, which says, Italian and French are fighting against Jerry in France. Trouble in Rumania. He has gone out again to listen, so hoping that there’s more news of the Rome affair.

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