- Contributed byÌý
- Nick Hollingworth
- People in story:Ìý
- Peter S Hollingworth
- Location of story:Ìý
- North-West Europe theatre of war
- Background to story:Ìý
- Army
- Article ID:Ìý
- A9016940
- Contributed on:Ìý
- 31 January 2006

Signalman Peter S Hollingworth 14407169 Age 20 at 124 Wing HQ Hurn Airfield near Bournemouth May 1944
Selection based on full diary entries
September 1944 to March 1946:
Continued from Part 1
Sunday 3rd September 1944
Got up at 04:30 and set off on the move with two 3 tonners and a jeep. Through Vernon, Amiens to Glesy Airport. Stayed for a drink in Fraissy and had a chat with some of the mackee (Maquis) and they’re deadly serious as far as Jerry is concerned. They had Czech rifles taken from Jerry.
Wednesday 18th October 1944
Had a day off all day. After breakfast had a shower and change. Came back and changed into my best suit. After dinner a Lineman, Tom and I went to Eindhoven to have our photograph taken but the shops were full. Afterwards we had a good time in a Dutch family’s house, stayed for tea and supper. Very good family indeed.
Monday 13th November 1944
This morning I went on the DRLS run to 2nd Army HQ where all the ‘big wigs’ hang out. The roads were filthy & greasy also blocked with traffic. I went again at 15:00 hrs in the rain but there wasn’t much traffic. At night I went to the Malcolm Club and finished my letters home. Big allied west front offensive opened up this weekend. 6 armies in battle.
Tuesday 5th December 1944
This morning while going round the perimeter a jeep bumped into me and smashed my forks. So my bike is off the road again. I gave my right knee a heavy bang on something. Went for a shower In the afternoon. Went with Bob to the pictures.
Wednesday 6th December 1944
Spent the morning filling in accident report forms and what a job. Sent Christmas cards home.
Monday 25th December 1944
Stayed in bed this morning till 08:00. Had a cup of tea which the Sergeant brought round. Went to breakfast which was ok. Washed my scarf. Had a very good dinner and we got cigs, sweets, cigars etc. Had a chat round the fire till teatime. Tea was good. Went out to the Wondergems and had a very good night indeed.
Wednesday 27th December 1944
Our Group Captain is reported missing over the Jerry lines. (G/C Green, Rhodesian.)
Monday 1st January 1945
At 10:00 hrs I was on the lavatory 80 German fighters came over at 50 feet with machine guns and cannons firing. They made a hell of a mess of our Typhoons & MT. Killed and wounded a number of Airmen.
Tuesday 2nd January 1945
After breakfast two of our Typhoons collided on the perimeter. One of them did a belly landing and skidded on the icy grass. One pilot was killed. Went to Mrs Wondergems at night and took a Christmas pudding.
Monday 8th January 1945
Prepared to go to our new airfield at Helmond with Bob and one of the lads but the roads were too bad. Put my skid chains on and greased a few nipples. Packed the trailer with tents for the move tomorrow. Had a sing round the fire at night.
Wednesday 24th January 1945
The JMO & some REME chaps came to inspect the transport and played hell because it was in a shocking state. So I did a few jobs on the jeep after dinner.
Friday 13th April 1945
Set off to Rhine near Munster and arrived there at 14:00 hrs, set up our tents & made things as comfortable as possible. Had a wash and felt a lot better. Went to bed and had a good sleep. Arrived in Germany and what a devastated place it is.
Sunday 15th April 1945
Went to bed till this dinner time then had to pack up and move off again. Set off after dinner assed through Osnabruck and stopped at a little village for the night. Slept outside. Met some Russians brought from Odessa and they showed us a few dances. A really good experience.
Thursday 19th April 1945
Some of the lads brought an old Jerry diesel wagon & trailer in that we can repair to serve us in good stead when we move again. Had a profitable time looking round a tank factory where Tiger tanks were being made.
Monday 30th April 1945
Moved off this morning up to Luneberg Heath of Hamburg. Got to the airfield for teatime. Got a billet and settled down for the Night. HITLER DIED (news arrived 31/12/45)
Friday 4th May 1945
A day I shall not forget. Set off at 09:30 to GCC 45 miles away and got back for dinner time. I passed through Luneberg & I was greatly impressed by the number of Jerry Prisoners I saw thousands of ‘em. Roaming about on their own, don’t know where to go. A sight for sore eyes. They were on carts, wagons, walking into the town. Prisoners in their thousands. Different coloured uniformed men, tattered and filthy. With our escort showing utter contempt for them. Just like the finish of a football match.
Sunday 6th May 1945
Packed up and moved off to Lubeck Blankensee airdrome. Arrived 18:P30 hrs.
Monday 7th May 1945
Messed about all day with Tom sorting some phones for the switchboard. Moved our kit to another floor. Reports are coming through that Germany has finished.
Unconditional surrender was signed at Rheims just after 02:00 this morning. AT LONGLAST the war in Europe is ended!
Tuesday 8th May 1945
Helped shift the stores & our kit into another billet after cleaning it and its filth this morning. Fixed Bob’s wireless up. Heard the King speak at 21:00 hrs. VE day is announced by Mr Churchill.
Wednesday 9th May 1945
Went to Church service this morning. Got a letter from home and one from Uncle Luke.
Thursday 17th May 1945
Got a letter from home. Did the DRLS. Went twice up to Travemunde sea plane base. Lovely countryside. Got wet though coming back in shirt sleeves.
Saturday 7th July 1945
Went to Schleswig with voting ballot papers. 181 miles. Got back only to find that Bobgot killed coming back from Plim. He was a friend o’ mine since December 1942.
Sunday 8th July 1942
Went to Bob’s funeral. Very grim. Went up to Cutin and saw his bike absolutely squashed. Must have been run over.
Tuesday 27th November 1945
At 09:00hrs I left 11th Air formation signals after being with them for 20 months. Got to 34 RHU Hamburg for the night.
Monday 31st December 1945
The end of a victorious year. I thank God.
17-19th January 1946
Got on the boat at 10:00hrs and sailed for Calais and arrived there for dinner time. The weather utterly cold (18deg F). Coldest nights sleep I’ve had with 3 blankets. Got on train at )7:00 hrs and we set off for Milan via Amiens & the outskirts of Paris. Very uncomfortable nights rest on the wooden seated train. Still travelling on the train via the French & Swiss Alps. I enjoyed every minute of it. The nicest scenery I’ve seen. I got a good impression of the Swiss people. A very mountainous though very lovely country. Got off the train at 24:00 hrs at Navara 20-30 miles from Milan & went to transit camp.
Friday 25th January 1946
Stopped for breakfast at Padua & journeyed on to Traviso & arrived at ICRU just before dinner. This camp is run on similar lines to Belsen!
Saturday 26th January 1946
Travelled by road to another transit camp at Udine, got there by dinnertime. Not a bad place. After dinner on the road to 13 Corps HQ. Only 2 of us DR’s so I have a new pal, Jim Jacob.
Saturday 2nd February 1946
I went on parade this morning afterwards Jim & I sorted out the spare wheel. At night we were on SD. We just set off when the steering column went for a burton. Got another jeep. Had to pick a bloke up who was drunk (unconscious)!
Wednesday 13th March 1946
Came off duty at 08:00 hrs. Had breakfast & a wash & set off to Udine at 10:00 hrs to take a chap to the transit camp pending ‘C’ release. Got back at 16:00 hrs and was told that an offer of ‘B’ release had come through for me. I went to the Coy office & accepted. Wrote home!
Friday 15th March 1946
Said farewell to Jim & the lads & at 07:30 hrs we moved off to Udine transit camp. Left Udine after a meal by train to Villach. Arrived there by 12:00 hrs. Went to bed early.
DEMOBILISATION WEEK! Completion of almost 3½ years service
Tuesday 19th March 1946
Arrived in Calais at long last at 03:30 hrs. Had breakfast & a wash & shave & felt much better & stayed. Changed our money. At 14:30 hrs we crossed to Dover & stayed there the night in a bed. My boots thought it was their birthday!
Friday 22nd March 1946
Went for another medical inspection. Handed in my web equipment, waterbottle & mess tin. On fatigues after dinner cleaning dixies. Went to the NAFFI at night for a supper.
Saturday 23rd March 1946
Got up at 06:30 hrs had breakfast & set off to York at 07:30 hrs for my suit, raincoat, tie, socks, shirt, shoes & hat!! & a trilby!!! Got back to Thirsk by 16:30 hrs. Went to the NAFFI at night for supper.
Sunday 24th March 1946
Handed in blankets got paid £5 received all documents & set off home at 11:30 from Thirsk, arrived home 15:00 hrs. Had a bath & put my new suit on & it fits!!
Monday 25th March 1946
Went to the food office and received Identity card, clothing coupons, ration book. Auntie Nellie came and brought me a birthday cake.
Monday 15th April 1946
Started work with my Dad at last at Longwood Finishing Co Ltd. After teas (at work) we went to watch Fartown beat Wakefield 10-5. Good game.
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