- Contributed byÌý
- gloinf
- People in story:Ìý
- Mrs L J Woodley (nee Amondson)
- Location of story:Ìý
- London, Suffolk - Halesworth, Spexhall, kent.
- Background to story:Ìý
- Civilian
- Article ID:Ìý
- A6417597
- Contributed on:Ìý
- 26 October 2005

The windmill club
This story was submitted to the Peoples War site by Jas from Global Information Centre Eastbourne and has been added to the website on behalf of Mrs L J Woodley with her permission and she fully understands the site’s terms and conditions
By Amateur Journalist Miss L. J. Amondsen
I left home this afternoon about 4 o’clock to visit some fellow evacuees living at the Rectory, Spexhall. I walked up the path after meeting one of them with a boy of 13 and the lady very kindly invited me in and we had a friendly talk together. There were three women there and two boys both 13 and a little baby. On my entering I was offered a chair and I asked them how they were progressing. They said they were very comfortable and had every convenience for their use.
We all thank Mrs R. Steward and the other evacuation officers and helpers who have done so much to make us feel at home and so very comfortable in the country.
By Miss L.J.Amondson
On Friday 14th February the East Suffolk Evacuees, presided over by Mrs R. Steward and Miss P. Waterfield held a reception in the Guides Hut at Halesworth, in honour of the opening of their club, aptly named The Windmill Club by Miss P. Waterfield, because of its close proximity to the Windmill in Waveney. The inauguration was carried out by Miss p. Waterfield of Saxmundham and after her opening speech explaining the activities of the club, had to depart hurriedly to Beccles where a similar incident was taking place.
The members afterwards sat down to tea and that followed with a number of games which were thoroughly enjoyed by young and old alike. Some kind Californian friends had sent presents for the children and these were distributed accordingly by Mrs R. Steward. Many Halesworth supporters and people from surrounding districts helped to prepare the tea and clear away afterwards.
We must thank everyone for their united efforts in making the opening a great success. In addition to the officers in charge and the assembled party, the Rector of Halesworth and his wife paid us a visit and Mrs Hulbert helped us a great deal with the afternoon’s festivities.
The club will open on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 1.00 to 3.30 pm. When the weather is a little warmer we hope to begin opening at 12.00 instead of 1.00pm.
By L.J. Amondson
We all came down from London and evacuated here
We’re billeted in a farmhouse with a little town quite near.
We found the town’s two miles away but still it isn’t bad,
We catch the bus at different times just me, Mum, Gran and Dad.
Granny has her love of flowers so our vase is kept quite full,
There’s cows and calves out in the yard and also there’s a bull!
The singing of the birdies upon the trees at dawn,
Wakens us from our slumbers, each day at early dawn.
So I guess we’ll have to live out here until the war is won,
And we will be quite patient until the setting sun
Sheds out its rays of victory around Old England’s shores,
And we’ll go home to peace and happiness, for ever and evermore.
By Miss L.J.Amondson
A darts tournament was held at Spexhall Village Hall on Tuesday 24th March under the direction of Mr T.C. Smith and Mr J.W. Woods when large numbers of players turned up from a wide radius, and some exceptionally good games were keenly contested. The winners were:
1st Singles A Smith
2nd R. Mean
3rd S Cranfield
4th F Rowe
Teams 1st F Rowes
2nd C. Thompson
The draw for saving stamps (in which all the money paid was returned in prizes) brought in 30 shillings and the stamps were presented to the winners by Mrs Steward. Mrs N.J. Roberts and the Rev C.R. Heard also assisted.
A social was also held on Thursday 26th March and was a marked success, the hall being packed. The speaker was Lt-Comdr R.G.I. Nichol, who gave a most interesting talk on the wonderful work of our Navy and stressed the need for more and up to date ships of all kinds. Judging by the success of the Savings Campaign after the speech, his hearers must have been most impressed, for several who had made an investment during the week returned with a further sum for the good cause.
A play was enacted by Mrs Block, Mrs Cutts and Miss Yeomans (members of the Spexhall and Wissett W.I.) and was greatly appreciated. Songs were rendered by the Rev.C.R. Heard accompanied by Mrs Heard and assisted by Miss L. Amondson who played for the community singing.
The duties of M.C. were ably carried out by Mr L. Shaw and Mr H who was on duty at the door.
A draw was arranged by Miss Eastcott for a goose, two rabbits and three pigeons and the proceeds were returned in the form of savings stamps to the lucky holders.
Tea was arranged by many willing helpers whom were Mrs Hunter, Mrs Copping, Mrs Cook, Miss Hopkins, Mrs Warren and Mrs Warne.
By Miss L.J. Amondson
On Tuesday 11th March members gathered at the Windmill Club. Many brought their knitting and others enjoyed the picture papers provided. A beginning was made with the country dancing, members making a good start with Rufty - Tufty — more records of these dances will be required.
Plans are being made for a Class on Dressmaking also a series of talks on subjects of interest, such as Gardening, Food and Health.
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