I'm trying to find the location of the Battle for Estry. My Dad served with the 2nd Company of the 6th Batallion of the Cameronians and was injured on 6 August 1944. [?21st Army Group]. I understand that he was a Regimental Signaller/Radio Operator.
I know he landed on 29 July 1944 having departed from Aldershot. Immediately prior to this he was on a Signallers Course at Catterick and had served with A Company of the 9th Batallion of the Devonshire Regiment. I'm not actually sure how he got to Estry as the Cameronians landed on 26 June 1944. I do know that he went through Caen and Bayeux.
He was severely injured on Sunday 6 August 1944 in a wood between Vire/Estry which was surrounded by the 9th SS Panzer Division. It was a blazing hot day and the Padre gave him tea at 3p.m. about 2 hours after he had been injured.
I'm interested where battle site was, and where the Field Hospital was. I understand that he had to have major surgery prior to his repatriation to RAF St. Athens - onwards to RAF Church Village. What was the Field Hospital like? Any ideas as to who the kind Padre was?
I've read some really interesting stories which have given me a good insight.
All contributions gratefully welcomed and gratefully received. Thank you.
Marian Damen