My father wrote his account of his time in the Royal Naval Patrol Service to stop the family asking questions about "what did you do in the war?". He called his story "Harry Tate's Navy".
My father's name was Albert (Bert) Archer and served as a steward on several mine sweepers including the HMS Cloughton Wyke, BYMS 13 and HMS Charles McIver.
I managed to put together a book of his stories and print a few copies for the family and friends. Just before he died I published the story on the web for which he was very proud. He would of loved the idea that his story was of interest to someone else and that is why I'm contributing to this record. The whole story is available here http://homepage.ntlworld.com/archer-net/harrytatesnavy/ please let me know if you found it interesting or of use.
Over the next few weeks I will be adding some more of his stories from the book to these pages.
I trust this will be a useful research tool for others.