On the 6th of june 1944, I was a five year old boy, but I remember it as though it was only yesterday, I was in the kitchen with my mother when the milk lady came in through the back door,
[nobody bothered knocking in those days] I remember her saying to my mother "The invasion of France has started this morning" then I remember my mother started to cry as she said, "all those young men" I was obviously too young to realise what she meant back then, but it became only too clear as I grew older,
My generation will be the last people to have witnessed W.W.11, and I fear that when we are gone no one will remember what those brave men sacrificed so that future generations could live in peace and enjoy the freedom to do as they please, lets hope they don`t abuse the privilege.
All The Best
Barrie Cordingley E.Mail cordibaz@excite.com