I am 42 years old, living and working in Surrey. I am interested in many aspects of both the World Wars but, as far as WW2 goes this is the story!
Both my parents served: My mum was a nursing sister with the QAIMNS. She served in North Africa and the Middle East; My father served with 133rd Field Ambulance, part of 44th Division, from the start of the war until early 1943 when he moved to a General Hospital in Egypt - which is where he met my mum!
Currently I am involved with researching and writing a book on the Field Ambulances of 44th Division, up to the time of Dunkirk. Their story is a fascinating one, culminating in their almost total destruction at the hands of the German 6th Panzer Divison on the 28th May 1940 - a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time! The majority of the men were captured, a remarkably low number killed, and the lucky ones got away - including my dad. He was a sergeant at the time and, having led a small group of men to Dunkirk and safety he found himself to be the most senior NCO left in the unit and was promoted to Sgt. Major, at the age of 19! Family legend has it that he was the youngest Sgt. Major in the British army, but that is of course hard to prove!
If there is anyone out there who served with, or has a relative that served with 131, 132 or 133 Field Ambulances I'd love to hear from them.