I am mother to 3 children and grandmother to 2 (a third is on the way). As I am now an OAP, my children have asked me to put down in writing my recollections of the Second World War (before I forget). Although born in Esher, my Mother took a flat in North London when my father received his "call-up" papers, so I did experience life during the Blitz.
My parents have been dead for many years. I wish I had asked more questions when they were alive, but they were of the generation that didn't speak much about bad times and didn't encourage you to be pertinent. Children were seen and not heard in those days and parents only told them what they thought they should or shouldn't know.
My father served his King and Country for nearly six years. The last two years were in the Far East. He didn't want to worry my Mother, so he didn't speak much of his experiences. He was a man of few words by nature, but the little information I did manage to extract from him was quite horrifying.
My father's father was killed in the First World War. I think it is very important that future generations should know about the sufferings of their forebears and the great sacrifices which were made. We must never forget them.