For the past year I have been researching my fathers WW2 involment.
How, why he was awarded the DFM. about when he was shot down and captured. His time in prison camps and where he was placed.
Doing this is very interesting and varied, and I am finding out things dad never talked about. To him it was just his job at the time.
What a job.
November 2005.
It is now almost two years since I started doing this reasearch, and what a lot I have found out.
I have had a lot of help from Rob Thomas who contacted me in 2004. He is reaserching details about his Uncle Alec Donaldson, who was with my Dad when the aircraft they were in crashed in 1941. This is the second part of my story if I can write it down in time to include it with my first peice of work supplied.
It gives details of where the Serling Aircraft is now, Rob going to dive on wreck and peice he brought me back to keep. There is also police reports of interview on capture, of all that suvived. Plus the long march they took part in from Stalag Luft V1.
I just need more hours in a day to finish my story.