My mother, Ruth Irving-Bell, wrote memoirs about the time she was in Malaya as the wife of a rubber planter for Guthrie & Co, Roy Irving-Bell, when the Japanese invaded. My mother abandoned her home on Kru (Komuning) Estate, drove to Singapore, and got on a ship to Australia as an 'evacuee', or war refugee. I have been unable to post her account as it stands, so I have laboriously re-typed it as a war story. When I discovered it was too long, I copied the second half to stand as another story. Now I find that a significant section of the first story has been deleted, (not by me). So I am giving up, rather than re-typing the missing part for a second time. If any one is interested in the account, they should give me an email address so that I can scan the story as it stands. No more typing please.