My name is Peter Jerome Wright, born in Wallasey in 1926 to English/Iish parents. Father, and uncles on mother's side, all in Merchant Navy. Left Wallasey for Bristol in 1936 because of Dad's home port. Dad killed in collision in North Sea in May 1937 (Alecto/Plavnik). I went to Blackfriars School in Northamtonshire until July 1943 then joined the Merchant Navy. Served appreticeship with Elder Dempster Lines of Liverpool and stayed at sea until 1965 when emigrated to the USA. Now live in Redding, California. Anyone who reads this and knows me or my family and wishes to communicate may do so at
I am likely to write about a couple of wartime experiences during the Bristol bombings (1942-43) and some of my own maritime escapades (1943-1965). Peter Wright