Although I was only a small child during the war, I have a thousand clear memories of it: the bombing of Liverpool, the shortages of food, the coming of the Yanks, V.E. Day, but most of all the enforced isolation of a young boy born in difficult times.
It was so long ago that it now feels more like history than memory, for the world has changed so vastly in the years since. A child of the 21st. century can have little understanding of how different life was in those days. Not just the historical facts, but personal relationships and ways of thinking.
Through film, sound recording, and the Internet, I wish to make my small contribution to what I hope will be the best recorded time in history, for people of my age have witnessed more history and change in our lifetime than any previous generation.
I see the future as bright and shining, but with many dangers, and it is only by learning from the past that we can safely move ahead to those long promised bright shining uplands.
Please read my first contribution entitled Emotional Deprivation