I was born in Iraklion (Candia), Crete, just before the WW2 started in 1939. My father Emmanuel G Kroussaniotakis initially served in the Albanian Front against the Italian invaders. When Greece collapsed after the German invasion he walked back to Athens, the South Peloponese and then by boat to Crete. By the time he got back he the Germans were in control of the island. He immediately joint the resistance. My uncle Zacharias Heretis was already a leading member of the Manolis Badouvas group of fighters. My father became a runner. He lived in the vilage of Avgeniki but had to keep in touch with the British and Hellenic groups that were hidding in the mountains.
He was condemed to death by the Germans and saved by the intervention of a pro-German relative of my mothers.
General Alexander issused a personal certificate of appreciation to my father after the war. This was instrumental in Governo Twinning of Tanganyika in granting us British Nationality in 1958.