At the age of 14yrs I was sent to a private navel training ship the 'Arethusa@ this was moored in the T hames, but owing the war in wasevacuated to a hotel, in South Sands Salcome South Devon. It was during this time you learned elementay seamanship and were engaged in fire watching and was used as a messeger in the event of a invasion. I saw the invasion fleet sail on 'D day, and we watched it from Bolthead stop and return because of the delay of 24 hrs. On leaving the Arethusa I joined the Royal Navy proper as a boy seaman and was trained in the Isle of Man in H.M.S. St George. I was later drafted To H.M.S. Devonshire, were we worked the ship out to Australia, and lated poszted to a shore base H.M.S. Golden Hind, it was from the establishment I was drafted to the K.G.V from where the story I have told began.