I am trying to discover as much as possible about Flying Officer William Thomas Williams No.53787.He joined the RAF about 1938 and was with Pathfinders Squadron 582 based at Little Staughton 1943-1944. Shot Down & Killed on raid on railway raids over Lens & Valenciennes night of June 15/16 1944. He was rear gunner in a Lancaster. Would like to know more about him, his job, Little Staughton, comrades and am trying to trace his previous war record.
Have discovered the names of the rest of the crew from The Roll of Honour held at Little Staughton Parish Church. They are ;
Tutt Norman James Pilot Officer Pilot
Parr Sidney Flight Sgt. Flt. Engr.
Harris Harold Flight Sgt. Navigator
Ames Richard Harry Flight Sgt. Air Bomber
Long-Hartley Paul Flight Sgt. Air Gnr.
Also, there was Flt. Sgt. R.F. Boots who was the only survivor. I have met someone who remembers being with him in Sept. 1944 at RAF Brackla, Inverness which was a clearing house for all shot down & returned aircrew. If anyone has any further info I would be most interested.