Hello from glorious Devon
This is the page for the Devon Editor. Actually it's not just one person, but a team of people who look after A Sense of Place - Devon. We write responses to queries and comments in the Feedback Forum, and we contribute entries and add comments to debates.
Publicise your work
Please let us know if you have written something that others may be interested in. We'd be delighted to publicise your articles - but it would be easy for them to get lost in the system if you don't tell us what you've be writing about. Just add a note to the 'new articles' discussion at the bottom of this page.
We look forward to hearing from you. It's dead easy once you get the hang of it - so don't shy and get tapping on your keyboard.
We're very approachable and happy to hear your views about the site, so add a comment to either the discussion threads or Feedback Forums.
Don't forget you can always get the latest news, sport, info and fun from the About links