I was deeply miserable, I missed my parents terribly. I cried a lot mostly in bed. Every school morning Mrs. H. would give us an apple for our lunch. I could not swallow one mouthful of it and I cannot bite an apple to this day.
Mr H. was a lay preacher at the local chapel which we attended every Sunday. Mrs H. was so very sweet to me because she knew I was secretly crying, I found this out many years later. My brother enjoyed every minute. We stayed in Wales for about 10 months, to me it was more like 10 years!
The war was coming to an end, so we went home to find my mother was expecting a baby. My new brother was born near Victory day, he was named Victor.
Two months after coming home, a huge parcel was delivered to our door. We couldn't believe what we found inside, sweets and more sweets also food we had never seen before. We shared the sweets with our neighbours and friends. Apparently the two Americans who had stayed with Mr & Mrs H. wanted to send them a food parcel. Mr & Mrs H. told them that they had had two evacuee children staying with them, so could they send the parcel on to them. Wasn't that a lovely unselfish gesture. But thats how people at war behaved then.