I would like to trace my Grandad's medals he received for his bravery in the First World War at the Somme in France. His name was Thomas Drinkwater and he was based in The Cheshire Regiment during 1916. He was badly wounded and after being treated in a French Hospital he returned to his home at 12 Thomas Street, Altrincham.
After the war he married Ada Drinkwater and moved to 23 Egerton Terrace, Altrincham. He had 6 children.
It was during a visit to see his sister-in-law Hilda Simpson who lived in Derby, Nr. Nottingham that he sold four of his five medals received for his gallentry in the war.
He sold these medals to help support his family as he only received a War Pension of 5 shillings a week.
I was only young when he died of his injuries and the remaining medal was saved by his sister-in-law and eventually was given to my Mother when she was 21.
It would be great if we could find the remaining medals or what happened to them. I do not know if his name was engraved on the medals but the remaining one had.