Like countless thousands of children in the UK I
experienced the War years separated from my parents. For the most part these were years proved positive and fruitful. There was of course
the separation from loving parents. I was fortunate that my parents were able to keep reasonable contact since my home was roughly
fifty miles north from the village of ALLOWAY in Ayrshire where my brother and I spent most of those five or so years. For those not familiar with this area Alloway was the birthplace in 1759 of the world famous Scots Poet Robert Burns. This is my first entry to WW2 People's War and so but brief.I do have a fair amount to contribute and will seek a method of cutting and pasting the material before I use valuable time typing it up again So for the present I will stop. Today, the 9th May'05 I spent some hours telling Primary children my story (the story of so many)