My name is Lawrence John Rand ex-Royal Navy
A/B PJX514714.
I now live in Norway a little cut off from life in the UK. Fully retired after working on and offshore in the oil industry.
Life in Norway is fine good standared of living with pensions most Britons would be envious of, first class medical sevice, but not one decent pub. I should know I was publican of the Queens Head in Eynsham Oxfordshire,for around four years. There are plenty of places to take a drink and good lager,but not the same i am afraid.
I Keep wondering where all my shipmates are, it is so difficult to trace them.
If any one out there served on HMS Aristocrat or a family member please get in touch.
Peter Marshal was my best friend we carried on our friendship after the war but lost touch. He used to live in Hornchurch and I in Elm Park.
I have recently found two of my old shipmates by seeking them in the Navy News.
Gordon Fowle (Tanky) The ships butcher and Richard Polglaze (ginger or poly)Gunner and bosuns mate.
Tanky and his wife and I met in Arromanches during the sixty year anniversary on June 7 004 outside the Maratim Hotel we had a lot to talk about after sixty years
Richard,I met in London im my hotel on June 12- 004.We had been in touch in recent weeks. Richard kindly sending me a Book entitled HMS Aristocrat A paddle ship at War. We had lunch together with my wife Grethe