are information boards where you can find out their names, sizes
and how and when they lived.
 Tyrannosaurus Rex |
park has an Education Centre with videos, exhibits and wall-mounted
illustrations provided by the Dinosaur Society.
can also meet traditional farm animals like sheep, cows and pigs
at the park as well as the more unusual ostriches, deer and ferrets.
the Jurassic period, 208 – 145 million years ago, the single huge
continent of Pangea started to divide into two continents, Laurasia
and Gondwana.
 Brachiosaurus |
slightly cooler temperatures and higher rainfall of the Jurassic
world created a warm, wet climate that was ideal for reptiles.
some inland areas remained as deserts, elsewhere forests and open
plains of ferns grew and rivers and deltas were formed.
giant, long-necked herbivores, like Brachiosaurus and Diplodocus,
and the plated, bird-hipped dinosaurs such as Stegosaurus (with
armoured plates on its back) were among the mighty dinosaurs which
roamed the Jurassic world.
Recommended reading
By Sheila McKeown, a librarian at the Millennium Library in
Dinosaur and Other Prehistoric Animal Fact
Finder, by Michael J Benton. Kingfisher 2001, ISBN 185697135.
Dinosaurs: Scary Creatures by John Cooper.
Book House 2002, ISBN 1904194311.
You can get hold of these books through
your local library.
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