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24 September 2014
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Hard Spell
Nina Hossain is the pronouncer and Eamonn Holmes is the presenter for Hard Spell

Hard Spell - Spelling is compelling!

Winning words

How would you score, spelling some of the words the Hard Spell children were up against to make it through their regional heat?

Poignant Poynant Poignent
Limosine Limousine Limouesine
Cartilage Cartillage Cattilage
Flummox Flumax Flummax
Incessant Inncessant Inccessant
Negligant Negligent Negleegant
Charicature Caricature Carracature
Catalist Catalyst Cattalist
Pancreas Pancras Pancraas
Deeviate Deviate Deveate
Unerve Unnerve Unerrve
Whopper Wopper Wopher
Courteous Curtious Certious
Alliteration Aliteration Alitteration
Globulin Globullin Globbulin
Terrine Terine Teryne
Anonamous Anonymous Anonnamous
Chivalry Chivalery Chivallry
Satturation Saturation Saaturation
Susceptible Suseptible Suceptable
Perceptable Perceptible Perceptabel
Zealot Zelot Zellot
Sillouette Silhouette Sillhouette
Carmidgeon Curmudgeon Camudgeon
Incenerator Incinerator Incinnerator
Immense Imense Imence
Aggravate Agravate Aggrivate
Glockenspiel Glokenspiel Glockenspeel
Nasturtium Nastertiam Nasturtiam
Impetious Impetuous Impetuos
Murmur Murmer Murrmer


Twenty most common spelling mistakes

Education and learning specialist Susan Rooney, who has taught English for 30 years, suggests the following 20 words as the most common spelling mistakes of students at secondary school.

1. accommodate

2. address

3. believe

4. business

5. definitely

6. embarrass

7. friend

8. government

9. jewellery

10. library

11. necessary

12. niece

13. payable

14. possible

15. receipt

16. responsible

17. rhythm

18. secretary

19. separate

20. surprise

The most common spelling mistake at primary school, and one of the most difficult to rectify, seems to be 'dose' for 'does'.

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